Tuesday, September 19, 2017

If I Could Only Hide My Head in the Sand

Most of us have been told that you can't discuss politics and religion in mixed company. As a rule I don't discuss either in a public forum such as Facebook. I regularly engage people in those types of discussions but as a rule I avoid those types of forums because misinterpretation is too easy and they generally degenerate into clichés and name-calling, all of which accomplish nothing of much consequence. 

But today I am going to break that rule. 

Over the course of the last few days my Facebook feed has been overwhelmed with stories of the supposed "Return of Jesus/End of the World." I did a little research and discovered that no reputable Biblical scholar holds this view and that one must turn some truly incredible theological summersaults to even come close to such a conclusion. This conclusion is achieved by mixing numerology, mythology, and such a bizarre reading of scripture that one would have to believe that sitting in the garage makes one a Honda. 

That wonderful bit of intellectual suicide was followed by another friend, a person whom I respect greatly, deciding to debate the role of women in the church....on Facebook. He used a specific passage of Scripture and then threw open the door for "discussion." I read some of the responses, sighed, and then hid the post. There was little regard for the Word in most of the responses and even less respect for differing opinions. 

And then to continue my two days of lunacy....I recently ordered a book from Amazon. I frequently order things from Amazon, the prices are generally lower and I don't have to drive over an hour to the closest Christian bookstore. This was a Christian theology book written by a well-known Christian author. I have developed a practice through the years of reading the endorsements of a particular book as well as the foreword of those books. This particular foreword was written by another Christian pastor and author. The foreword identified the author as an "evangelical superstar" in the very first sentence.

I almost threw the book away. "Evangelical superstar"? Excuse me, but I thought that the only superstar in Christendom was Jesus. But maybe that's part of what's wrong with the church today, we've made superstars out of mere men. The is a very real celebrity culture in Christianity today and it measures celebrity in the same ways the secular culture does. What does it say when a man is trumpeted as "America's pastor" has no theological training and has no real knowledge of biblical doctrine. I would dare to say that Jesus wouldn't be a "superstar" in today's culture...or Paul, for that matter. We have forgotten, either by deliberate choice or by neglect, that Jesus lived his live in the embrace of the outcast, giving his life for those whom others had judged to be unworthy. 

And then, as I listened to a podcast this morning I was made aware of a statement made by Archbishop Desmond Tutu in 2013. The Archbishop stated "I would refuse to go to a homophobic heaven..." (Washington Times, July 26, 2013). I can only shake my head. 

Self-styled "prophecy experts," "evangelical superstars," and bishops who care nothing for the Word of God...what have we come to and where are we going? Without the Word of God the church is nothing more than a country club, which is what many of our churches have become. The Word of God is the plumb-line for our faith, that which all doctrine and teaching is to be measured against. The reason that the church has become so ridiculed and ineffective in our world is because we have abandoned the Word of God, both in our pulpits and in our personal lives. 

God forgive us.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Thinking About Old Friends

This morning in my devotional reading I read 2 Samuel chapter 1. This chapter records David receiving the news of the death of King Saul and his son Jonathan. David's response is heartfelt, genuine and powerful. 

As I usually do, I recorded my thoughts and reactions to this passage of Scripture. I felt that I should share them with you. 

David's heart was broken by the death of Jonathan. The two men shared a friendship that was deep and affecting - and one-sided by human standards. A study of their friendship shows just how disparate these two men were; one a royal prince, the other a simple shepherd. Jonathan had before him all the glories and riches of a kingdom, David watched sheep and played the lyre.  One was schooled by the finest minds in the kingdom, the other went to Vo-Tech and got a degree in shepherding. These two men could hardly be more different in position and background. 

But Jonathan and David shared something that is not learned by instruction alone: they shared a godly character. These two young men exemplified what godly character is all about. Their hearts were bent towards the LORD, each with a desire to honor Him. Their character was forged in the heart. True character is not a matter of instruction alone...almost all of us are taught right and wrong, but few of us seem well versed in its proper application. Character development requires more than instruction, it also requires demonstration. David probably had character modeled for him by his father and Jonathan may have seen character demonstrated for him by the prophet Samuel. Regardless of who it was, someone demonstrated godly character to these two when they were young, and the result was a life of blessing. 

Perhaps the most amazing aspect of their friendship was the selflessness that both of these men demonstrated. Each put the other's welfare ahead of their own. They were willing to lay their lives down for the other without regards to the cost. They each sought better for the other than they sought for themselves. In this sense they serve as an example of another who sought the benefit of others above his own:

Philippians 2:5-8
5  Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus,
6  who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped,
7  but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men.
8  Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. 

These two men weren't perfect, far from it, but they demonstrate what is possible between men when the Spirit of God fills both. The best of human relationships are fallen and none of us are capable of Christlikeness on our own, but when the Spirit of God lies within the hearts of both amazing things are possible. 

It occurs to me that one of the problems in American society in our day is that we lack true character (not characters, there are plenty of those). Our leaders, in churches and in especially in politics, seem less concerned with character than with personal advancement. Perhaps that is why we seem to be so...lost.

I believe that what we need are more men and women of godly character. Leaders willing to sacrifice self for others, willing to love with a sacrificial love willing to follow the example of Christ. I have been blessed to know men and women with that character, and I am blessed to have friends with whom I share a friendship like that of Jonathan and David. Oh that our country would know more of that.